Chronic Prostatitis Treatment with Dr. Allen’s Therapeutic Device – DATD:
The only sustainable way to get chronic pelvic pain relief!
This device treats chronic problems in prostate, please read:
Latest article in top Medical Urology Journal: New independent thermobalancing treatment with therapeutic device for internal diseases: chronic prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome,
A peer-reviewed article, “Effect of thermobalancing therapy on chronic prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome,” in The Journal of Clinical Urology, the official Journal of the British Association of Urological Surgeons.
And in the peer-reviewed article, “Thermobalancing conservative treatment for moderate to low degree lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) secondary to prostate enlargement,” in The Cogent Medicine Journal.
– Do you want to recover from the nasty symptoms that can ruin your life?
– Do you want to protect yourself from chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS)?
– Do you want to prevent side effects, such as sexual dysfunction and impotence?
If you answered YES to any of the above, the exclusive chronic prostatitis treatment with DATD can help.
DATD for prostate treatment helps to:
- Get pelvic pain relief naturally;
- Terminate inflammation of the prostate gland;
- Provide fundamental treatment for the cause of chronic prostatitis;
- Avoid the side effects from long-term antibiotic and medication use;
- Enhance potency, libido and overall sexual life!
The main symptom of chronic prostatitis is pain in pelvic or genital area. Other symptoms include burning on urination, frequency of urination, increases sexual desires, lack of or reduced sexual desires, slight discharge from urethra, premature ejaculation, painful ejaculation, backache following intercourse.
Chronic Prostatitis Can Torment Young Men for Many Years But Dr. Allen’s Device Can Help Them to Recover
The main symptom of chronic prostatitis is pain in pelvic or genital area. Other symptoms include burning on urination, frequency of urination, increases sexual desires, lack of or reduced sexual desires, slight discharge from urethra, premature ejaculation, painful ejaculation, backache following intercourse. |
Chronic prostatitis is a disease that is difficult to treat, and an article titled ‘Symptoms of Prostate Problems in Young Man’ highlights that in young prostatitis happens to be more common trouble. The Harvard Medical School has published an article, ‘Treating prostatitis: Any cause for optimism?‘ saying, “Repeat courses of antibiotics probably aren’t helpful. Even though they generally have few side effects, they aren’t without risk. They can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea; interfere with other medications; and trigger allergies.” So it’s good news that DATD can help to recover from this nasty and previously incurable prostate condition without any side effects.
Ultimately, a long-term intake of antibiotics and medications for chronic prostatitis is useless and harmful
Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome is the most common but least understood form of prostatitis. It may be found in men of any age. Now, there is no reason to undergo risky CP/CPPS treatment options, because Thermobalancing therapy, invented by Dr. Simon Allen, offers a natural solution, free from any side effects. Read more at Fine Treatment – Press.
Chronic prostatitis – chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS)
Treating chronic prostatitis with long-term courses of antibiotics and other medications can cause men to experience some disturbing side effects. However, a full, side effect-free recovery can be achieved using therapeutic Dr. Allen’s Device by naturally improving blood circulation in the prostate. The inflammation associated with chronic prostatitis may affect the nerves near the prostate gland, which in turn, could affect testicles, bowel, bladder and even sexual function. The impracticality of traditional medications was confirmed by the Prostatitis Foundation at the American Urological Association Meeting in 2004: “Although researchers are still looking for a possible infectious cause of CP/CPPS (among others), a large trial of antibiotics showed that this most commonly prescribed therapy doesn’t help men with longstanding, refractory chronic prostatitis. And the second most commonly prescribed type of therapy—alpha blockers—don’t help in these men either.”
Life Breaking Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome is Subject of New Personality Trait Study, while Dr. Allen’s Device Treats Chronic Prostatitis Up To Full Recovery
Conventional treatment options for chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS), or prostatodynia, have been largely unsuccessful, leaving millions of men in agony and scientists trying to assess the problem from various perspectives, with a study of personality traits and treatment outcomes being published recently. One of the sufferers in prostatitis forum ‘Living in Hell’ says, ‘Well I am here just to say I cannot get my prostatitis under control. It is slowly starting to ruin my life. It is putting massive amounts of stress on my family.’
Prostate Natural Treatment with Dr. Allen’s Device Is Evidence Based Help As Men Recover from Chronic Prostatitis and BPH
According to the article, ‘Alternative medicines — do they really work?’ the studies have shown that there is no difference between Saw palmetto and a placebo intake in urinary flow rate, prostate size or quality of life. “Now we know that even very high doses of saw palmetto make absolutely no difference,” said study author Gerald Andriole. “It clearly does not work any better than a sugar pill.” Chronic abacterial prostatitis is difficult to treat and there is currently no cure for it. Thus men with these common prostate problems look for a surgical solution. That is why Dr. Allen’s Device is simple an essential treatment.
How to use Dr. Allen’s device for recovery from chronic prostatitis (CPPS) at home
Dr. Allen created his device with ease of use in mind. Patients only need to wear the belt with a special natural thermo-element under the waistline. As seen in the video, the belt is easy to adjust to fit the body, and does not impede movement.Recovery time depends on how long chronic prostatitis persists. Fine Treatment users report that notable symptom improvements begin within the first few days of treatment, which become more noticeable in about three months. The prostate condition will then typically further improve over time.
It is wrong to use prostate removal procedures and surgeries in treating chronic prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome – CP/CPPS
Dr. Allen created his device with ease of use in mind. Patients only need to wear the belt with a special natural thermo-element under the waistline. As seen in the video, the belt is easy to adjust to fit the body, and does not impede movement.Recovery time depends on how long chronic prostatitis persists. Fine Treatment users report that notable symptom improvements begin within the first few days of treatment, which become more noticeable in about three months. The prostate condition will then typically further improve over time. |
Side Effects Free Thermobalancing Therapy Helps to Avoid Prostate Removal Procedures and Save Money
Moreover, with the price under $ 150, Dr Allen’s therapeutic device is now the most cost-effective product for prostate treatment. In comparison, according to Modern Medicine, the cost of radical prostatectomy averaged $ 8,130, while Medical Tourism reports the average cost of a TURP procedure in the USA is between $ 5,000 and $ 6,000, and doesn’t include the fees of the urologist or anesthesiologist.
Different prostate removal procedures are widely on offer. Any of them removes or destroys at least a part or the whole prostate gland. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), there are at least 5 of them, such as transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP); transurethral incision (TUIP); or transurethral electrovaporization (TUVP) when an instrument delivers high-voltage electrical current to destroy prostate tissue, or laser therapy which is in fact not a therapy but a surgery.
Chronic prostatitis cause
Dr. Simon Allen’s research on the Origin of Diseases has helped him to identify the causal root of chronic prostatitis. Cold or infection can be triggers to prostate inflammation and swelling. In order to eliminate irritation the blood circulation increases by expansion of capillaries. This vessels growth (additional tissue) increases pressure inside the prostate immerging focus of hypothermia that itself becomes a trigger for chronic inflammation. Thus the physiological process at the capillary level in the prostate eventually becomes the cause of CP/CPPS.
Thus, easing the swelling and improving the prostate’s condition can only be achieved by increasing blood circulation locally. And Thermobalancing therapy is the only way to achieve this. Therefore Dr. Allen’s Device treats CP/CPPS successfully, despite a commonly held view that treatment for nonbacterial prostatitis is difficult, and since the problem is hard to cure, the goal should be to merely control its symptoms.
Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are common among sufferers with chronic prostatitis
1 in 4 Men Affected by LUTS in Their 50s Should Not Stick to Risky Medications As Dr. Allen’s Device for Prostate Care Reverses BPH Naturally.
Intake of any medication that may be prescribed for long-term, like in the case of LUTS treatment, must be considered carefully, as the side effects of medications are often accumulated slowly, damaging general health over time. Men with chronic prostatitis also tend to suffer from LUTS. And they have an even longer stretch of life to safeguard.
BPH and Chronic Prostatitis’ Symptoms Relief with Dr. Allen’s Device Can Be Reached Naturally while Long-Term Medications May Harm.
Dr. Allen’s Device is an effective and cost-effective alternative to other treatment methods. The users are happy to experience a notable relief of the disturbing symptoms first, and a gradual recovery from prostate enlargement or chronic prostatitis later on.
Recovery from Chronic Prostatitis with Dr. Allen’s Device Comes Gradually, New Customer Case Confirms.
After years of unsuccessful attempts to achieve a much-desired relief from chronic prostatitis with conventional treatment options, a Fine Treatment’s customer has now reported easing the symptoms of chronic prostatitis by 70% exclusively by wearing Dr. Allen’s Device for Prostate Care for 7 months.
The recovery from chronic prostatitis can sometimes be achieved faster. For instance, a patient Timo, 38, used to suffer from chronic prostatitis for quite a long time, and started wearing Dr. Allen’s device in March 2012 has recovered within 4 months.

Sexual dysfunction: Testosterone myth shouldn’t be ventilated any longer
Men Should Use Dr. Allen’s Device as Exclusive Prostate Treatment Rather Than Settle for Miserable Results of Testosterone Drugs.
Men are led to believe that testosterone treatment will help them to maintain a youthful lifestyle; however, a new study reveals that men, especially senior men, considering testosterone therapy should be aware of a potential cardiovascular risk.
The main function of the prostate gland is to secrete a fluid that combines with sperm and other fluids to form semen. When the prostate is affected by inflammation or starts to enlarge, it inevitably compromises male potency.
In contrast to medications, Dr. Allen’s Device for Prostate Care assists recovery from nasty symptoms of prostate problems, supporting potency, libido and well-being.